Head Lifeguard, Instructor/ Lifeguards, Lifeguards - Veren Pool - Gull Lake

WE'RE HIRING | Summer Employment in Gull Lake

Gull Lake's Veren Pool is currently hiring for the following positions:

• Head Lifeguard

• Instructor / Lifeguard

• Lifeguard

All applicants must have CURRENT Bronze Cross, CPR-C/AED, Standard 1st Aid, WHMIS, Safe Places. Preference will be given to candidates with National Lifeguard (NL) certification.

Instructors must have Lifesaving Instructor (LSI) certification in addition to all other requirements.

If you are planning on obtaining these certifications prior to June 1, please include that in your application.

All applications MUST INCLUDE qualifications/ certifications (include photocopies), experience and availability. Please include you Lifesaving Member number as proof of certifications.

Application Deadline: February 21st.

Email resumes to: gull.lake.rec.sk@gmail.com

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